Thursday, October 05, 2006

The Really Bad Metaphor Department: Hastert at the Alamo

You just can't make this stuff up.

Republican Representative Joe Barton of Texas circulated a letter to Republican congressfolk today, in which he urged them to stand by House Speaker Dennis Hastert just as William Barrett Travis's garrison stood by him at the Alamo:

Wrote Barton in his October 5 missive (pdf):

In early 1836, approximately 200 men were surrounded by an army of thousands at a place called the Alamo. The general of the besieging army demanded unconditional surrender. Undaunted, the commander of the Alamo, William Barrett Travis, called a meeting of the garrison, drew a line in the sand, told his men the truth about the situation and gave every Alamo defender the right to retreat, or to cross over the line and stand in defense of the Alamo. Because of their unwavering defense, the independent Republic of Texas was ultimately created.

Today our Speaker, Dennis Hastert, is suddenly surrounded by a besieging army, but of a different sort. It is not a military army, but a political and ideological army of the left, demanding his unconditional political surrender. We, the House Republican Conference, ironically a little over 200 strong, have a decision to make, just like the defenders of the Alamo some 170 years ago. We can cross the line and stand with our Speaker in defense of conservative values and common decency, or we can retreat.

Hmmmm . . . how did that whole Alamo thing end again?

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